5346206 – Genuine OEM Bosch Fuel Injector Inlet Feed Tube. When replacing common rail injectors, replacing the fuel tube is a good idea for two reasons. First, the tip of the tube can become deformed over time and cause fuel to leak which will cause rail pressure issues and fuel in your oil (crankcase). A second reason to replace the tube is because there is an edge filter at the inlet of the tube. If there is debris on the edge filter, this debris could end up in the replacement injector and cause premature failure.
CASE (84403334)

Cross Reference
- F-00R-J01-831
- F00RJ01831
- F00RC00647
- F-00R-C00-647
- DT670005
- DT670004
- 904-437
- 904437
- 87348301
- 84403334
- 68460261AA
- 68444832AA
- 68441874AA
- 68005335AA
- 5346206
- 522-043
- 522043
- 5175565AC
- 5175565AB
- 5175565AA
- 4929865
- 4929864
- 4903290
- 4088578
- 4088576
- 3979419
- 3976657
- 3976656
- 3947539
- 3947538
- 2872395
- 2872288
- 2872286